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Nova Scotia Home Inspectors

When buying a home a thorough home inspection by a qualified home inspector is essential.  Buyer's piece of mind as well as to know what maintenance they will have to stay on top of as a home owner.  We also believe that it is valuable for home owners to have a pre-inspection of their home as part of the preparation of selling their home which can uncover and address any issues before we bring a buyer to the table. 

We can recommend the following Home Inspectors working the Halifax Regional Municipality and Eastern Shore region:

Canadian Residential
Scott Davis
Phone: (902) 499-0999

Phone: (902) 469-1119

Doug Wheatley
Phone: (902) 406-4663

Peck Home Inspections 
Phone: (902)  422-2545
OCSL - Master - Craftsmen
Don Myers
Phone: (902) 456-6275


Other Inspections

Test Well Services
Del Davis
Phone: 499-2759
Water Testing

Paul Perry Chimney Services
Phone: 499-2685
WETT Certified

Pettipas Plumbing & Septic
Guy Pettipas 
Phone:  (902) 471-4948
Including Septic Pumping, septic inspections and plumbing needs